How to include pets in your Wedding
Check this out pet lovers Lovers!
And you simply could not leave your pets not to be included in your wedding day?
Here’s some inspiration to include your adorable pets on your wedding day.
1. For a church wedding.
If your wedding ceremony is in the church, check first if they allow pets in the ceremony.
If not, then simply include your pets in your save-the-date or pre-nuptial shoot.
Get printable to use for your fur babies HERE.
**Photo from Pinterest credits to owner
**Photo from Pinterest credits to owner
2. The bridesmaid or groomsmen.
Either the bride can include her pet as one of her bridesmaid.
Or have your adorable pet as groomsmen.
**Photo from Pinterest credits to owner
3. Have pets walk the wedding aisle.
Let your adorable pets walk you in the aisle.
**Photo from Pinterest credits to owner
**Photo from Pinterest credits to owner
4. Pets as bearer.
You don’t have kid nieces to bring your wedding ring?
Then have your pet as your ring bearer.
**Photo from Pinterest credits to owner
5. Post-nuptial shoot
And yes if you could not include your pets in the wedding ceremony.
Include them in the post-nuptial shoot instead.
**Photo from Pinterest credits to owner
**Photo from Pinterest credits to owner
6. First dog dance.
Well of course, you’ll still have that first dance with your groom.
But would it be really cute to have your first dog dance first?
**Photo from Pinterest credits to owner
7. Pet shot for fun…
Wedding day is suppose to be fun.
Then have a shot with friends and your pet having fun.
**Photo from Pinterest credits to owner
Check here for more photo inspiration having your pets on your wedding day.
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Learn how to save on wedding stationery, get wedding printable HERE